"Ba\la\ih","Paris","pw","","Ke/uih wah ke/uih se/ung heui Ba\la\ih jyuh ge/ini\hn.","He says he wants to go to Paris to live for several years."
"faatji/","method","n","go","Ne/ih ya/uh mo/uh faatji/ bu\n ni-je\ung to/i se/uhngheui la\uhseuhng a?","Do you have a way to move these tables upstairs?"
"baahnfaat","way","n","go","Ngo/h ji/hge/i mo/uh baahnfaat bu\nda-kse/uhngheui","I have no way to move [them] by myself."
"wa/an","play, spend (holiday etc.); enjoy; play musical instrument.","fv","","Ne/ih ju\ngyi heui bei-ndouh wa/an a?","Where do you want to take your vacation?"
"ho/uwa/an","amusing, interesting, enjoyable","sv","","Ja\nhaih gam ho/uwa/an, che-utni/n ngo/h ya-tdihng heui wa/an ge/iyaht.","Really so interesting; next year I definitely will vacation [there] for several days."
"ja\i","put","fv","","Go/gihn ye/h ne/ih ja\iha/i bi-nsyu a?","Where did you put those things?"
"ya-tcha/i, ya-tcha\ih","together","a","","Ne/ihdeih ya-tcha/i la\ih ga\h? Haih, ngo/hdeih ya-tcha/i cho/h fe\ige\i la\ih ge.","Are you coming together? Yes; we will take the plane together."
"tu\hng, tu\hngma\aih","together with; and","cv","","ngo/h ngoi ni-go tu\hng go/go.","I like these with those."
"tu\hng","for, bring, take persons (with, to, along)","cv","","Ni-je\ung bouji/ haih ngo/h tu\hng ke/uih ma/aih ge.","This newspaper is mine to take to sell to him."
"si\n","first (usually after the verb)","a","","Bi-ngo la\ih si\n ga? Ke/uih la\ih si\n ge.","Who came first? He did."
"Yu\hgwo/, yeukhaih","if, in case","ma","","Yu\hgwo/ ne/ih da-kha\ahn, ; ne/ih heui ma?","If you are free will you go?"
"ti/ng, ju/ng, yeuhng","kind, sort","m","","Ne/ih ju\ngyi bi-nti/ng a?","What kind of thing(s) do you like?"
"yeuhng yeuhng","everything","x","","Yeuhng yeuhng ho/u gwai a\h!","Everything is so expensive!"
"=ma\aih","with; along with; also with","p","","Di/mga/ai ne/ih m\daaima\aih ke/uih heui a?","Why did you not bring him along?"
"ji-kha-ak","at once; immediately","a","","Che/ng ne/ih ji-kha-ak la\ih.","Please come at once!"
"sa-am","suit; dress with a jacket [i.e., a set]","n","tou, tyut [old form]","Ne/ih daai bi-ntou sa-am heui a?","Which suit did you bring?"
"jeuk","wear; put on (dress, suit...); dress","fv","","Ne/ih jeuk bi-ngihn sa-am heui a?","Which clothes will you wear going?"
"ga\ya\hn","the family (members)","n","di-","Ne/ihdi- ga\ya\hn ha/i bi-nsyu a?","Where are your family members?"
"lohkyu/h","rain","vo","","Yi\hga- lohkga/n yu/h, ne/ih m\ho/u heui ga-ai la!","Now that it is raining you won't go to the street?!"
"Yi\nggwok","England","pw","","Ke/uih mu/ih ni\hn do-u fa\anheui Yi\nggwok jyuh le/uhnggo la/ibaai.","Each year he also returns to live in England for two weeks."
"M\go\i si\n.","Thank you. (Positive reply to HAVE YOU EATEN?)","x","","",""
"Giu se\ng Ma/h Si\nsa\ang la-!","Say hello to Mr. Mak. [To children]","x","","",""